Typing test online

The Internet is full of sites to test your typing speed and accuracy. But are they different and why did we at https://hinditypings.com/english-typing-test decide to take our exam in full?

What makes the new typing test so unique?

Our goal was to do a typing test that would conform to your natural typing habits, even when you make mistakes. And secondly, the original text needs to be close to the text you enter so that it is easy to follow up and correct typos.


In our new exam, we have moved the original text directly above the part you are writing. The text automatically scrolls up at the end of each line, allowing you to keep focus and typing flowing. You can always see where you are, thanks to the blue highlight. You do not get stuck when you make a mistake, either - your typo is shown in red and you can either correct it with a backlash or continue hindi typing.


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